
Wotcha think you're doin' here then? You think you can just waddle in like that, do ya?

This here, laddie, is a top-secret Brickspace testin' ground. Yup, thassright. So you'd better geddout before someone sees ya pokin' around...

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Monocle interview Jørgen Vig Knudstorp

The economic online magazine Monocle have interview Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, the Lego CEO. I first saw this a few months ago, and so I thought I'd put it on now. After the mess Kjeild Kirk Kristiansen had made, Jørgen looks set to have a lot of cleaning up to do around the company...
Check out what the big JVK has to say in his cool Danish accent here .
-John, Admin

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